Which Mushroom Strain is Right for You?

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2022


Different Strains For ... Different Folks 

Have you ever wondered if different mushroom strains cause certain effects? For instance, does the Penis Envy mushroom make you feel happier than a Golden Teacher?

Here at Haus, we've made some observations of our own. 


The Golden Teacher (GT) 

Golden Teachers look a lot like the Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms you might find growing in the wild. They have white stems, and dark golden caps. If you've experimented with magic mushrooms, chances are you've gotten your hands on a Golden Teacher. They are one of the most common strains amongst magic mushrooms. 



Golden Teachers are one of the easiest mushrooms to cultivate, especially for beginners. This strain is known for its aggressive cultivation. It myceliates quickly, and produces a large amount of fruiting bodies per square inch of myceliation. It is a beginner mycologist's perfect mushroom. 


Golden Teacher Effects & Properties

Like most magic mushroom species, the general effects of consuming GTs are very euphoric. In small doses they tend to give the participant more of a body-high vs visual effects. However, take enough of them and you will surely experience strong visual stimulation. 


Since Golden Teacher's seem to be more body-centric when it comes to their effects, be weary of a general feeling of heaviness or even nausea. 


The B+ Mushroom

The B+ Psilocybe cubensis look very similar to their sister strain, the Golden Teacher. The B+ can grow bigger than the GT, but that doesn't mean it is more potent or powerful. Sometimes the smaller fruiting strains are the most potent ones. 



Much like the Golden Teacher, the B+ is an aggressive cultivating mushroom and will produce many fruiting bodies per square inch of myceliation. This helps in resisting contamination to the substrate. The B+ is also a good choice when starting out with small mushroom grows. 


Visual Effects of the B+ Mushroom

The general high or effect of the B+ strain is very visual. Even micro-dosing this strain can make the world around you look like a high definition movie. There is a small physical effect, such as feeling heavy or tired, but the visual color, clarity and detail of the B+ strain is what makes it stand out from the rest in our book. It's a Haus favorite.


The White Teacher (WT)

The White Teacher mushroom is a hybrid of Golden Teacher and Albino Penis Envy, also known as a cross-strain. The White Teacher looks very similar to the Golden Teacher, but the cap is almost completely white. The cap and veil of the White Teacher is similar to the Albino Penis Envy. The veil is thicker, and stronger, like the Penis Envy strain. The White Teacher's veil doesn't break open as easily as the Golden Teacher or the B+, and when it does, the spores are translucent vs black like the Golden Teacher. 



Consumption Properties of the White Teacher Mushroom

The White Teacher mushroom carries enhanced potency due to the cross-strain from the Albino Penis Envy mushroom. Micro-dosing the White Teacher strain is highly effective. 


The overall effects of the White Teacher mushroom are not visual or physical like the B+ or the Golden Teacher. They seem to be more introspective and analytical. A micro-dose may be hardly noticeable as compared to micro-dosing the B+ mushroom which will give off visual effects. However, due to the enhanced potency of the White Teacher mushroom - it won't take much to feel its strong properties. 


If you have a desire to journey inward to the depths of your being (literally), the White Teacher is a great choice. Setting intention, as for any psychedelic experience, is very important when journeying with the White Teacher. 



What's Your Favorite Strain? 

Let's connect! Send us a message and share your favorite mushroom experience. 


Happy Travels,

The Team at Haus



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